Europe (Albania-Estonia)
Albania is a country located in Southern Europe with a population of just under 3 million. Up until recently, Albania was not a country frequented by many tourists, although with better flight links and growing tourist infrastructure, Albania is on its way to becoming more of a popular destination.
Andorra is a very small country that is nestled between France and Spain in the Pyrenees mountains. Its capital is Andorra-la-Vella and the country’s official language is Catalan. The population of the entire country stands at just 79,000, although in spite of its size Andorra is very popular for skiing holidays and well-known for its cheap duty-free shops.
Split into Flemish-, French-, and German-speaking communities, Belgium is a somewhat unique country. Home to the European parliament in its bustling and multicultural capital of Brussels, Belgium is a popular tourist attraction and its chocolate and French fries are a hit among the millions of tourists that visit each year.
Croatia is a coastal country in Southern Europe with arguably the fastest growing tourist industry in the whole of Europe, in part thanks to the scenes that were filmed there in the series Game of Thrones. Although its cultural capital is Zagreb, large swathes of tourists flock every year to its vast coastline and the beautiful landscape found therein.
Denmark is the southern-most country out of the Scandinavian nations. In spite of its small size, it maintains a strong national identity, and has great travel connections to its European neighbours, including the bridge stretching between its capital Copenhagen and the Swedish city of Malmö.