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Japan is a country that is located in far-east Asia, close to both the Koreas and Russia. Its capital is the megacity of Tokyo, and the official language Japanese. It is a very unique country in many ways, in large part due to its distinctive culture and way of life.

It is an extremely densely populated country with excellent travel links, making it a very easy country to navigate for tourists. It is the birthplace of sushi, and as such travellers flock to Japan every year to check out the real deal.

I visited Japan with my friend Jimmy back in 2019, and due to my working at Air France at the time, we were both able to travel from Paris to Tokyo for 70 euros each! We spent nearly a week in Japan, taking in the sight of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka, and it really was such an amazing and surreal experience!

Image by Bernard Hermant

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Country Facts





GDP per capita (USD)

Population (millions)

Official Language(s)

Area (sq. km)

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