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Thailand is a country that can be found in south-east Asia. It is an extremely popular destination among western tourists, in large part due to its low cost of living, excellent cuisine and amazing wildlife.

Its capital Bangkok is a hive of activity, and often a traveller's first stop upon arriving, due to the country's main international airport being located there.

Outside Bangkok, there is a great deal to see, from the elephants in the northern city of Chang Mai, to the beautiful beaches on the island of Phuket.

It is a country that I visited back in 2009 with my family: we went on a three week holiday there, touring the entire country. We started out in Bangkok, and from there went to the nearby cities of Pattaya and Rayong, before heading up north to Chiang Mai. From Chiang Mai, we took a train to the central town of Uttaradit, before flying to the island of Phuket which was our final stop on our trip. Visiting Thailand was an extremely enjoyable experience, and I continue to be a big fan of Thai cuisine to this day!

Image by Bernard Hermant

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Country Facts





GDP per capita (USD)

Population (millions)

Official Language(s)

Area (sq. km)

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